periodontal health
The periodontal health is of the utmost importance for any and all teeth in the mouth. The periodontum is the foundation that reinforces the teeth for a life time, with out a healthy periodontal complex the predictabliltiy of long term success and health is not possible.
Components of the Periodontum
Gingiva - the mucosal tissues that cover the bones of the maxilla and mandible. They surround the teeth creating a tight seal acting as the first line of defense against foreign material.
Changes in color, particularly increased redness, together with swelling and an increased tendency to bleed, suggest an inflammation that is possibly due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque
Periodontal Ligament - group of specialized cells that originates from the alveolar bone and attaches to the cementum of the teeth. It provides stability and retention of the teeth. If these attachment fibers are ever damaged or traumatized the teeth involved with exhibit mobility and instability.
Cementum - a specialized calcified substance that is the outer lining of the roots of teeth. These specialized fibers allow the periodontal ligament to attach to the tooth, holding them in place.
Alveolar Bone - the structure of the maxilla and mandible that consist of sockets holding the roots of teeth. The periodontal ligament engages the alveolar bone and extends to the cementum of the tooth root.